Prospects for the Electrical System with a High Share of Renewable Sources

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

04:00 pm - 05:30 pm
Auditorium 1

Discussion of the challenges associated with the operation of an electrical system with a high share of non-dispatchable renewable sources (solar PV and wind). Analysis of the blackout on 15/08 and the consequences of this event. Presentation of new business opportunities for PV companies in areas such as demand response, capacity reserve and provision of ancillary services

04:00 pm - 05:30 pmProspects for the Electrical System with a High Share of Renewable Sources

Markus Vlasits

Managing Director


Tiago de Barros Correia


RegE Consultoria

Jonas Becker Paiva



Tiago de Barros Correia, RegE Consultoria



Tiago de Barros Correia is CEO of RegE Consultoria. He is an economist, and specialist in public policy and government management with more than 14 years of experience in the Brazilian Federal Government, and MS.c. in energy systems planning. He was Director of the National Electric Energy Agency - ANEEL - from 2014 to 2018.

Markus Vlasits, Newcharge

Managing Director


Markus Vlasits started as a consultant at McKinsey & Company in Germany and has been active in the solar PV industry for 17 years in several executive positions. In 2007-2009, he was Production Manager of crystallization and wafering at Q.Cells SE, Thalheim, Germany, where he reached a vice-presidential role in Sales Operations. Moving to Brazil in 2013, he started as CEO of Yingli Green Energy do Brasil. He teamed up with fellow executives to open Faro Energy, an investment company focusing on PV generation projects for commercial concerns, and was its Sales Director until 2018. In 2019, he was an independent consultant and helped start ABSOLAR's Energy Storage Workgroup. In 2020, founded NewCharge, an engineering company focused on energy storage projects for commercial clients in Brazil. He is also active as acts as a technical consultant and advisor for projects related to energy storage. In August 2023, he was elected president of board of directors of the Brazilian Association for Energy Storage Solutions (ABSAE). Markus also organizes energy storage events and conferences, and recently co-organized an energy storage conference panel for Intersolar South America 2021 in partnership with Solar Promotion.

Jonas Becker Paiva, E1 ENERGIA



Jonas Becker é formado em Engenharia de Produção pela Universidade de Fortaleza e, ao longo de 13 anos, vem se destacando nacionalmente por suas importantes contribuições ao setor de energia. Ele é o Presidente da Câmara Setorial de Energia do Ceará, Coordenador estadual e Conselheiro da Associação Brasileira de Energia Solar (ABSOLAR) e Diretor financeiro do Sindicato das Indústrias de Energia e de Serviços do Setor Elétrico do Estado do Ceará (SINDIENERGIA). Jonas Becker faz parte da diretoria do Grupo Colibri Capital e é o fundador da Eco Soluções em Energia, uma empresa que atua há 13 anos no mercado de energia solar. A ECO Soluções em Energia tem presença nacional e possui um acervo técnico com mais de 2.000 projetos de médio e grande porte, viabilizando a geração de energia solar para mais de 3.000 unidades consumidoras de energia. O Grupo Colibri Capital participa ativamente das áreas de energia, urbanismo e agronegócio e, nos últimos cinco anos, tem realizado investimentos crescentes no segmento das energias renováveis. O grupo Colibri possui 597 MWp em seu portfólio, com projetos de energia em todos os estados do Brasil

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