João Gilberto Cunha

Job Title
Instituto Mi Omega

He has a degree in Electrical Engineering from UFU and a master's degree in Electronic Engineering from ITA.
He founded Mi Omega in October 1993 and has been at the forefront of the company's technical solutions ever since.
He has been a member of the ABNT commission responsible for revising standard NBR 5410 - Low-voltage electrical installations since 1993, coordinator of the ABNT commission responsible for revising standard NBR 14039 - Medium-voltage electrical installations since 2003, member of the NBR 16384 - Safety in Electricity commission in 2020, member of the NBR 16690 - Electrical Installations of Photovoltaic Arrangements commission since its inception and member of NBR 15751 - Substation Grounding Systems - Requirements.
Currently, as well as heading up Mi Omega, he also teaches courses at the Mi Omega Institute and has over 40 years' experience in the electrical sector.

April 10, 2024Minicurso - Aterramento de UFV

April 11, 2024Minicurso - A Demand Issue for Consumers in Locations with High Density of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

August 29, 2024Drawing up Electrical Installation Records

Minicurso - Aterramento de UFV

Wednesday, April 10, 2024, 04:30 pm - 06:30 pm

Auditorium 2

No que se refere ao aterramento de sistemas fotovoltaicos, a norma ABNT NBR 16690 remete às prescrições da ABNT NBR 5410. Esta, entretanto, trata exclusivamente do aterramento em edificações, cujos requisitos diferem das usinas fotovoltaicas montadas em solo. Para preencher esta lacuna normativa, é crucial considerar outras normas relevantes, como a ABNT NBR 5419, sobre proteção contra descargas atmosféricas; a ABNT NBR 14039, que aborda as instalações elétricas de média tensão, como as subestações; e a ABNT NBR 15751, que trata do projeto de aterramento de subestações. Este curso apresenta uma abordagem adequada aos projetos de aterramento de usinas fotovoltaicas, contemplando um conjunto completo de normas que visam garantir a conformidade e a segurança dessas instalações.Tickets

Minicurso - A Demand Issue for Consumers in Locations with High Density of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Thursday, April 11, 2024, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

Auditorium 2

The expansion in electric car ownership in Brazil will lead to a need for increasing the number of available charging stations. This may cause problems in electrical installations in high density locations, for both electricity suppliers and consumers. Energy distributors may encounter special problems in high-income neighbourhoods. In addition, residential and commercial buildings providing chargers for their residents may also experience restrictions caused by demand, as a new scenario will arise that these types of consumers are not prepared to deal with, namely demand management. This workshop will address electricity supply issues stemming from consumer demand in the context of charging stations and discuss the solutions and limitations there in.Tickets

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